Predictive Maintenance

Future Of Predictive Maintenance In FMCD: How Tech Is Helping Redefine After-Sales & Improve CSAT

9 min read By: Devanshi Shah

30 September, 2024

Future Of Predictive Maintenance In FMCD How Tech Is Helping Redefine After-Sales & Improve CSAT


It is in an era of rapid technological change that the Fast-Moving Consumer Durables (FMCD) industry is experiencing significant transformation. FMCD sectors are seeing the application of predictive maintenance which was previously confined to industrial and high-tech sectors. This article highlights how predictive maintenance is changing after-sales services and boosting customer satisfaction (CSAT) and gives a glimpse into the future of this ground-breaking approach.

Let’s Understand Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach that leverages data analysis tools and techniques to predict equipment failures before they occur. By continuously monitoring the condition of appliances and using advanced analytics, companies can schedule maintenance at the most reasonable times, avoiding unexpected breakdowns and minimizing downtime. According to Deloitte research, companies that have adopted predictive maintenance strategies have seen a 40% cut in maintenance costs and a 70% reduction in machine downtime.

How is Predictive Maintenance Helping the FMCD Industry?

Predictive maintenance is a game-changer for the FMCD industry, transforming how companies manage their products and service their customers. Here’s a detailed look at the various ways predictive maintenance is making a significant impact:

1. Predictive Failure Analysis

Anticipating possible equipment failures in advance involves advanced analytics and machine learning algorithm applications. With the help of background information like usage patterns and previous breakdowns, it is possible to detect any trends that may arise. It therefore allows for proactive maintenance, which can prevent untimely breakdowns and reduce any downtime experienced. For example, if a refrigerator constantly operates at higher temperatures than usual, one would expect that its compressor is about to fail completely. Hence, technicians should act quickly in order to avoid such misfortune.

2. Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection is a process to identify deviations from normal operating conditions. In the FMCD industry, this can be in terms of sensing unusual vibrations in a washing machine, tracking temperature spikes in an oven, or observing irregular noise patterns in a vacuum cleaner. Companies can consistently monitor these parameters in real time by using IoT sensors and AI algorithms. As soon as an anomaly occurs, it results in an alert that helps maintenance teams locate and resolve the problem before it becomes a major issue.

3. Optimal Maintenance Scheduling

Optimal maintenance scheduling involves the use of predictive analytics to determine when maintenance should be done. This method ensures that maintenance is only done when required, thus avoiding costs and inconveniences related to unnecessary servicing. By planning for maintenance based on actual equipment conditions rather than a fixed schedule, organizations can reduce operational interruptions and prolong the lifespan of their products. For instance, instead of servicing refrigerators every six months regardless of their condition, predictive maintenance allows them to be serviced only when certain performance criteria indicate so.

4. Condition-Based Monitoring

Instead of relying on a fixed schedule, condition-based monitoring facilitates continuous monitoring of the state of equipment by use of sensors and data analytics. Where sensors in a dishwasher are capable of detecting water pressure and temperature that go beyond acceptable ranges, maintenance teams can be alerted through this technique. When applied to these appliances individually, it not only enhances their dependability but also decreases the expenses that come with servicing them.

5. Prescriptive Maintenance

Though it predicts failures at an earlier stage, prescriptive maintenance gives more than that! It goes ahead to suggest what action could be taken so as to make sure the failure does not occur. It uses complex algorithms for analyzing this information and providing actionable insights. For instance, if a drop in efficiency is detected by one of the sensors in a washing machine motor, such a system might recommend lubrication of some components or replacing some worn-out parts. Being specific about what needs to be done is what maintains the effectiveness of such activities in terms of timely prevention from future reoccurrence issues too.

6. Asset Health Score

An asset health score is a measure that describes the state of an asset, and in this case, an appliance. It is obtained from performance indices like operational effectiveness, historical data of failures, and data received through sensors in real-time. Thus, by attributing the health score to the assets, the companies are able to stratify maintenance activities according to the priority of each case. This means that the crucial assets get adequate attention, and there is less likelihood of equipment malfunction, stabilizing the equipment’s reliability.

7. Root Cause Analysis

Performing RCA individually means pinpointing applicable and potential reason(s) behind the failings of equipment. Analyzing the reasons why FMCDs fail is vital in ensuring that the appropriate changes are made to the product design and manufacturing of these items. From these failures, organizations are able to discern typical problems in a product or process, which, when diagnosed, may allow for a redesign or manufacturing enhancement to avoid possible future failures, thus saving resources. This cycle of improvement brings about the reliability and durability of their products hence increasing satisfaction among the customers.

8. Energy Efficiency Optimization

Predictive maintenance is also another major area that facilitates the energy efficiency of a fairground. Thus by maintaining the efficiency of the appliances at the maximum level, these companies can save lots of energy, and thus the expenditure incurred for the running of these facilities can be qualified as moderate. For instance, when a refrigerator runs at its optimal efficiency, it uses less electricity, which is a cost-saving move for consumers and promotion of sustainability. Predictive maintenance ensures that potential problems are detected before they worsen, thereby improving energy efficiency.

9. Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)

PHM stands for Prognostics and Health Management systems that determine the operational time that is left before the components and systems require repair. In the context of the FMCD industry, PHM can increase the durability of appliances, which translates into enhanced value for consumers and, in turn, decreased frequency of replacement. PHM systems therefore assist in predicting when a component is most likely to fail, and by getting to replace it before that time comes, appliances will continue to run smoothly without interruptions.

10. Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics

Remote monitoring and diagnostics allow service technicians to diagnose or fix a problem without even physically being at the site. This capability is especially relevant for the FMCD industry since timely service is highly essential in the field. Smart devices give real-time information on appliances’ state making it easier for technicians to troubleshoot without being physically present. This accelerates the repair time and decreases the necessity of visits to the consumer’s place which in turn causes less inconvenience to the latter.

AI & IoT: The Future of Predictive Maintenance

AI and IoT have given a new dimension to the traditional concept of predictive maintenance and further improved the ECM (Enterprise Content Management) systems. Analysts anticipate that the industry will continue to develop at a quick pace, reaching a value of $28.2 billion by 2026, aided by Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence. Here’s how these technologies are driving the future of predictive maintenance:

Role of AI in Predictive Maintenance

1. Data Analysis and Insights:

AI algorithms utilize large amounts of data gathered through sensors and other devices to search for trends or deviations. This allows early anticipation of possible occurrences of the equipment so that preventive measures are taken before a breakdown happens. Compared to classical models, AI models get better as time elapses through analyzing historical and real-time data. This, in turn, results in enhanced decision-making processes and improved maintenance management approaches. For instance, it can investigate thousands of similar appliances to find the causes of failure in majorities and then suggest how to avoid them.

2. Predictive Modeling:

ECM systems incorporate predictive analytics solutions based on AI to deliver information that can be utilized. This strengthens the reliability of the equipment and allows companies to foresee the probability of failure and plan for maintenance at the most convenient time. It also assists in the decisions of inventory management by making certain that spare parts are on hand when they are required, thus cutting down on time and actively increasing productivity.

AI in improving equipment performance and maintenance involves the use of algorithms that predict future performances of the equipment as well as likely maintenance requirements. Artificial intelligence methods such as regression analysis, artificial neural networks, and decision trees are widely applied for the purpose of predictive maintenance.

3. Machine Learning Models

Machine learning models are capable of enhancing themselves based on the data from the past as well as at the present. It is for this reason that those models are capable of finding other patterns that are unnoticed by human analysts; thus offering a precise manner of predicting and recommending when maintenance should be done. For instance, an algorithm might capture the fact that a specific failure mode begins to manifest at a certain number of operating hours and schedule a preventive action in response.

4. Automated Decision-Making:

A report discloses that with the help of AI annual inspection costs decrease by 25% and annual maintenance fees—by up to 10%. Maintenance decisions can be made by AI through applying analytical forecasts to initialize maintenance-related activities automatically. This helps in reducing human interference and also makes it possible to maintain the systems at appropriate times. Scheduling and dispatching of the maintenance work through automation avoids overlapping schedules and, hence time wastage.

Automated decision-making by AI is very effective, and thus, maintenance actions are done not only in a timely manner but also efficiently. In this way, companies can avoid situations and mistakes that are related to the human factor in the provision of services. For instance, in the case of an appliance, if an application identifies a probable motor failure, it will notify the user to book an appointment for servicing and order the required spare parts.

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

From maintaining logs and service reports to customers’ feedback and complaints, companies can use NLP to discover the biggest and most recurrent problems. This, in turn, assists in the refining of the methods used in maintenance and enhancing the design of the final product.

Role of IoT in Predictive Maintenance

1. Real-Time Monitoring:

FMCD products are equipped with IoT devices and smart sensors that help to track the condition of products in real-time. These sensors acquire information on different factors, such as temperature, vibration, pressure, and humidity. Online assessment safeguards any indicator that falls outside of expected operating conditions from being unnoticed because actions can be taken as soon as potential problems are discovered.

In other words, the IoT devices give real-time conformance of appliances’ conditions hence enabling instant notification and control. In other words, the IoT devices give real-time conformance of appliances’ conditions hence enabling instant notification and control. This ensures that maintenance actions are taken at the right time and thus prevents a lot of interruption, thus improving customer satisfaction. For instance, if a sensor identifies that a refrigerator is vibrating abnormally, it will send a message to the maintenance team, who will address the concern before further complications arise.

2. Data Collection and Transmission:

Creating smart systems, IoT devices send the collected data to the main systems or cloud for their analysis. This steady stream of data delivers a holistic understanding of the state of equipment. This interaction between IoT and cloud computing allows a means by which the generated data can be processed and stored effectively at a large scale.

3. Remote Diagnostics:

IoT helps diagnose the state of the appliances to avoid physically serving to the technicians. This shortens the troubleshooting time and also minimizes the problems that require the physical presence of the specialist. Remote diagnostics help lower the expenses of maintenance and make the processes more effective.

4. Interconnected Ecosystem:

The Internet of Things (IoT) creates a system where various devices and systems interact and cooperate. This comprehensive approach ensures the sharing of data and coordination among parts. A connected system enhances the effectiveness of maintenance procedures.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT play a role in revolutionizing maintenance in the FMCD industry. By enabling real-time monitoring, advanced data analysis, and automated decision-making, these technologies enhance sales services and greatly elevate customer satisfaction levels. As AI and IoT continue to advance, their incorporation into maintenance strategies will become more sophisticated, leading to increased product reliability and exceptional customer experiences.

5. AI and IoT Integration

AI and IoT collaborate to revolutionize maintenance. IoT gadgets like sensors and intelligent appliances gather amounts of real-time data. AI algorithms process this data to produce insights and forecasts. The fusion of AI and IoT enables timely maintenance actions. For instance, a connected washing machine can monitor its performance and send information to an AI system for analysis, which then predicts potential issues and schedules necessary maintenance.

How Predictive Maintenance Helps in Improving After-Sales Services and Improving Customer Satisfaction

Predictive maintenance is not just about keeping appliances running smoothly, and it’s also about enhancing after-sales services and boosting customer satisfaction (CSAT). Here’s how:

1. Proactive Service Alerts

AI and IoT offer preventive maintenance by predicting difficulties before they become serious ones. By doing this, unplanned malfunctions and downtime are decreased, and consumers are guaranteed a flawless appliance experience.

When possible problems are identified, predictive maintenance systems notify customers and service providers in a proactive manner. This implies that customers are notified of potential issues before they encounter any inconvenience. Customers may be notified, for instance, that their washing machine needs a new filter and given instructions on how to install it, or they may be given the choice to arrange for a repair visit. Being proactive lowers the possibility of unplanned malfunctions and improves customer satisfaction.

2. Remote Diagnostics and Automated Service Scheduling

Technicians can evaluate and troubleshoot problems without having to physically be there thanks to remote diagnostics. This feature minimizes the necessity for on-site visits and expedites the repair procedure. The system may automatically set up a service appointment and make sure the required tools and components are on hand when it detects a problem. This reduces downtime and annoyance for customers, leading to increased satisfaction.

Furthermore, the maintenance process is streamlined by AI-driven analytics and IoT-enabled remote diagnostics, which makes service workers more productive and well-prepared. This leads to increased first-time repair rates and speedier issue response. Service efficiency is further improved with real-time warnings and automated service scheduling.

3. Personalized Maintenance Plans

By analyzing usage patterns and performance data from AI and IoT, FMCD companies can offer personalized maintenance plans and tips tailored to individual customers’ usage patterns and needs. This ensures that maintenance activities are relevant and timely, enhancing the value provided to customers. 

Customers receive timely notifications and updates about their appliances’ health, making them feel more in control and informed. For example, a customer who frequently uses their oven might receive more frequent maintenance recommendations compared to someone who uses it occasionally. Personalized maintenance plans improve the overall customer experience and build loyalty.

4. Extended Product Lifespan

Appliance lifespan is increased by timely and routine maintenance based on predictive analytics. Customers receive greater value for their money because their appliances operate dependably and last longer. This not only increases CSAT (customer satisfaction) but also strengthens the brand’s reputation for quality and endurance. Buyers are more inclined to stick with the same brand of appliances in the future if they are assured of their upkeep and reduced likelihood of malfunctions. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and a positive brand image.

5. Enhanced Customer Support

Predictive maintenance systems furnish customer support teams with comprehensive data regarding the state and functionality of appliances. Support agents are able to lend more knowledgeable and useful assistance as a result. For instance, the support staff can access real-time data and diagnostics to provide precise troubleshooting instructions when a customer calls with a problem. Improved customer service results in concerns being resolved more quickly and with more satisfaction.

6. Continuous Feedback and Improvement

Predictive maintenance solutions powered by AI and IoT data give manufacturers useful information about typical failure spots and performance problems. This data aids in refining product designs and reliability while also improving manufacturing processes, resulting in higher-quality products. Consumers gain from these ongoing enhancements since their appliances operate better and have fewer problems. A brand’s dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction is also shown by its ongoing feedback and improvement initiatives.


By increasing the intelligence of appliances and the efficiency of maintenance, predictive maintenance is transforming the FMCD sector. Businesses may improve after-sales services and boost customer satisfaction by using AI and IoT to anticipate and prevent equipment breakdowns. Predictive maintenance will be increasingly intricately integrated into the FMCD sector as technology develops, resulting in more dependable products and outstanding customer experiences.

Working with a digital commerce specialist like Krish can make all the difference when it comes to maximizing the potential of predictive maintenance. We assist you in developing smooth and effective client experiences with our ECMS services and consulting expertise

With our professional consulting services, we assist you in navigating the complexity of predictive maintenance. Our skilled team collaborates closely with your company to comprehend your particular requirements and create custom plans. In order to ensure a smooth transition and optimize the benefits, we walk you through the process of integrating cutting-edge technologies like AI and IoT into your maintenance operations.

Predictive maintenance has a bright future ahead of it, offering a world where appliances are not only dependable but also intelligent enough to maintain themselves. And, with Krish as your partner, you can be confident in providing excellent after-sales service and unparalleled customer satisfaction.

future of predictive maintenance in fmcdPredictive MaintenancePredictive maintenance in fmcd
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Devanshi is the dynamic thought leader at Krish Technolabs, leading Digital Experience agency expanding in Australia, Northern Europe, and Central Europe. With expertise in Adobe, Salesforce, commercetools, and Shopify. She drives strategic Expansion and Innovation in Digital Transformation. Passionate about AI and Market Trends, Devanshi brings a wealth of knowledge from various industries, including fashion, manufacturing, retail, finance, wholesale, B2B, D2C, and B2C. An extrovert who loves Traveling and building meaningful relationships, she combines professional acumen with a vibrant personality to foster strong business relationships.

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